Overcoming Fear of the Unknown

This post by Seth Godin references fear.

As posted by Seth “Once the determination is in his eyes, the learning will take care of itself” and “No one can prove that the path you’re on is risk free or guaranteed to work”.

Whilst Seth is a marketer, and therefore draws a lot of calm hatred from my end, I still have enormous respect for his words.

I can’t prove that my path into Zen Anarchy, nor my including other people in my idea is the right one. But I feel it and I am determined to make something of it. I will have numerous people attempt to stand in my way, attempt to dissuade me and some people who outright insult the idea. But in no way can I ever let these thoughts or comments detract from the feeling of “right” I have and the determination I feel in getting this message out.

You have to be determined in any path you choose to walk, you have to ensure that you have the perseverance to continue walking.

Fear is only the catalyst for eliciting a fight or flight response. Recognise it as a tool, utilise the fight factor and make whatever dreams or desires you have become real.

1 Comment

  1. Very Good site, thank yo mister, it’s help’s me!

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