Offense Re-education

Following this story in the age, my blood boiled.

I couldn’t understand how these boys will walk free after raping a female 17 times. This girl, now emotionally and physically scarred for life, will never walk the streets and feel safe again. These boys however, obtain a slap on the wrist and are allowed to walk.

Does anyone else see anything wrong with this scenario? The girl is given a lifetime of trauma, fear and loss of virtue and independence… The boys walk free and get to laugh about it all the way home.

There is no tolerance for this kind of violent crime within a Zen Anarchist society. Each boy would be submitted to three to five years of intense re-education. This is not jail, they do not live in cells. However the compound is walled and security monitored. The offenders are fed normal food, clothed properly and treated fairly.

Every offender undergoes 6 hour intensive re-education containing severe lessons on the proper respect required when dealing with women, lessons on how to treat women, lessons on what is entirely unacceptable, lessons on etiquette in regards to women, so on and so forth. These lessons are mandatory, the time period is set with no probation available for good behaviour. These lessons take place every single day with one break for lunch and one break for excercise.

The aim is to entirely reeducate the mind set that this sort of behaviour is acceptable.

These compounds offer different types of re-education. Different compounds for rape, violence, theft etc. The aim is always re-education before imprisonment. Prisoners learn nothing by sitting 24 hours a day in a small cell with other offenders. When they get out repeat offense is high. Why does the current system have no form of mandatory re-education? Why do we offer such light sentencing to such heinous crimes? Why do we allow these violent offenders to walk free after “Good Behaviour”.

Anybody that has harmed an individual in the way these individuals harmed that innocent female, deserve to be away from the rest of society, but they also require re-education.

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